Floriculture Sector Map - IRBC Agreement Floriculture

This Floriculture Sector Map has been developed within the framework of the IRBC Agreement Floriculture and presents the results of a collective sector risk assessment which has been performed by the members of the IRBC Agreement's due diligence working group. The document provides a basis to companies to perform due diligence in line with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United Nation Guiding Principles and Business and Human Rights.

The Sector Map uses available (floriculture) sector data and statistics with regard to relevant product flows from flowers and plants, so where products are grown and where they originate and what the size thereof. A distinction has been made between direct flows of finished product (tier 1), cut flowers and plants, as well as young plants (tier 2). General agricultural and more specific floriculture sector risks are linked to the relevant “production countries”.

Each user of the Sector Map can thus flow to flowers and plants on the basis of their own relevant product (tier 1) or starting materials for cultivation or breeding (tier 2) make an estimate of the likelihood, nature, seriousness of possible risks of negative effects and the possible (unintended) contribution to them from within the IRBC CS specified themes.