Privacy Statement

IDH Privacy Statement for suppliers and business partners

Version: 08 Jun 2020

This privacy notice works via a so-called ‘collapsing model’.  The headings can be displayed as an FAQ.  The text underneath the headings with the “+” symbol will expand when you click the heading.

1. Introduction

This is the IDH Privacy Statement for supplier and business partner data.  This Privacy Statement provides information on the processing of personal data by IDH and its global representative offices and subsidiaries (The term ‘IDH subsidiaries’ is used here to refer to IDH entities set up outside of the Netherlands, irrespective if this IDH entity is indeed a subsidiary of IDH’s headquarters in the Netherlands in formal governance terms), hereafter IDH, we or us.

The primary purpose of this Privacy Statement is to be a dynamic resource and business tool so that we can offer our services to you in the best possible way.  We want you to feel secure when visiting our website and are committed to maintaining your privacy when doing so.

This Privacy Statement may be changed over time.  The most up-to-date Privacy Statement is published on our website:  (“Website”). This Privacy Statement was last changed on 08 Jun 2020.