Beyond Compliance

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Leveraging legislation to ensure effective action

For some, compliance is just ticking boxes to avoid penalties. For us, it’s an opportunity to collectively address social and environmental challenges in value chains – bringing benefit to businesses, suppliers, producers and local governments alike. 

Having piloted numerous approaches in real market settings, we offer proven ways to initiate, implement and improve policy implementation efforts. And invaluable insights to help legislators avoid unintentional negative impacts in local markets.

Whether advising on measures, facilitating coalitions or co-funding projects, we have developed a holistic system of interventions  that are set up for rapid implementation. We support governments, the private sector and producers to integrate socially inclusive and sustainable measures that not only comply with regulations but challenge them to do more.

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Legislation is important, but legislation alone will not solve human rights and environmental issues. Real progress is only possible when the private sector and public sector work together to tackle root causes.

How we are driving progress, beyond compliance


multi-stakeholder agreements signed due to IDH interventions


new or improved policies or standards effectively enforced


hectares of forest/watersheds under governance facilitated or supported by IDH


Collaborating on a more inclusive approach to end illegal deforestation

EU regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR) is an important step towards combating deforestation globally. But it risks excluding many smallholder farmers – jeopardising their livelihoods and, ultimately, forests.

Our big-picture solution lays the ground for pre-competitive company collaboration at jurisdictional scale and public-private partnerships at national-level to turn the tide on tropical forest loss in a way that not only supports EUDR compliance but protects smallholder farmers’ livelihoods.

EUDR in brief

The EUDR (of 31 May 2023) prohibits importing products causing deforestation after December 31, 2020. It will be enforced for large and medium-sized enterprises from 30 December 2025, and for small and micro enterprises from 30 June 2026.

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EUDR case studies

Proven solutions for deforestation-free products

IDH has convened and facilitated public-private partnerships to design programs to ensure EUDR engagement in high deforestation risk areas and to keep the most marginalised smallholder farmers supplying to European markets.

Find out more about our piloted solutionsFind out more about our piloted solutions

Fostering sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour

The EU places a high priority on the implementation of due diligence legislation for the benefit of stakeholders in producing countries, with a particular focus on safeguarding the most vulnerable people. CS3D is an important step – but it takes a mix of measures to move the needle on responsible business conduct globally.

Many of our existing approaches, tools and data insights can be used as accompanying measures towards due diligence. Through multi-stakeholder initiatives, we help companies leverage proven solutions to create efficiencies for tackling common challenges – ensuring sectors as a whole can advance more sustainably.

CS3D in brief

The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) aims to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviour and to anchor human rights and environmental considerations in companies’ operations and corporate governance.

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How our multi-stakeholder initiatives support CS3D

Discover how sharing measures, tools, guidelines and learnings helps sectors work collaboratively to tackle bigger challenges.

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Talk to our policy experts

Looking for guidance or a solutions-driven partner on your EU compliance journey? Our experts are there to support. 

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