Climate and Nature

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Minimising agriculture’s environmental impact

Agriculture is known to place a serious burden on the environment. The effects of climate change in turn negatively impact agricultural supply chains, triggering food insecurity, and biodiversity loss. At IDH, we want to break this cycle of biodiversity degradation and food insecurity. 

Our work on climate and nature links social and environmental agendas to ensure agricultural markets support thriving communities in net zero, regenerative agricultural systems. This includes helping farmers transition to climate-resilient practices, developing regenerative, low-carbon and deforestation-free landscapes, promoting chemical waste reduction and the use of pesticides, and linking global markets to sustainable sourcing.

We are convinced that by working together, farmers, communities, governments, traders, manufacturers and retailers can transform practices and generate shared value for people and the planet. 

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Keeping gender equality front of mind

Gender equality cuts across all our Impact Agendas – including Climate and Nature. Our partnerships promote the inclusion of women in decision-making and develop climate-resilient, gender-intentional, and regenerative business models. 

Gender EquityGender Equity

Reforestation in the South-West Mau Forest, Kenya

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The Environmental Footprint Roadmap

With the Environmental Footprint Roadmap, agri-commodity companies can better understand how to reduce the environmental footprint of specific products. The roadmap outlines five steps to measure a company’s footprint, address environmental challenges, promote sustainability, and protect natural resources.

Environmental Footprint RoadmapEnvironmental Footprint Roadmap
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Tools to address the complex challenges in Climate and Nature

Through over 15 years of working on environmental issues, we learned that landscape approaches successfully create meaningful and lasting change. The SourceUp platform guides landscape coalitions through the stages of creating a landscape partnership and connects buyers of commodities with coalitions of stakeholders in regions producing these commodities, to jointly improve sustainability along the supply chain.


Climate and Nature initiatives in action

Through the landscapes approach, we’re working together with our partners on PPI (production, protection and inclusion) compacts in 22 landscapes.

News & Resources

The latest updates from our Climate and Nature work

Sustainable Future in Sight: Action Plan to foster Green Development in Grand Mbam, Cameroon
7 March 2025

Sustainable Future in Sight: Action Plan to foster Green Development in Grand Mbam, Cameroon

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Money Talks, but it’s not speaking to Agriculture
21 February 2025

Money Talks, but it’s not speaking to Agriculture

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Davos to Belém: Key insights on financing and collaboration for a deforestation-free beef industry
31 January 2025

Davos to Belém: Key insights on financing and collaboration for a deforestation-free beef industry

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