Apparel Impact Institute launches to accelerate environmental impacts in apparel and footwear industry
In an effort to stimulate collective action in the apparel and footwear industry, a group of industry leaders today launched the Apparel Impact Institute, which is designed to work with brands and manufacturers to select, fund, and scale projects that dramatically improve the sustainability impact of the apparel and footwear industry.
IDH, as a founding partner of the Apparel Impact Institute, believes the apparel sector needs to join forces and align existing initiatives to accelerate implementation, and avoid fragmentation and duplication of similar initiatives. Together with The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), Target, PVH Corp., Gap Inc. and HSBC Holdings plc, IDH together with the Apparel Impact Institute has the intention to advance projects with significant environmental and social promise.
“IDH strongly thinks that the time has come for the apparel sector to collaborate to have an impact at scale,” according Ted van der Put, IDH Executive Representative. “By working as a sector initiative with a wide representation of leaders in the apparel sector, and by aligning with existing initiatives, we can accelerate implementation, and avoid fragmentation and duplication of similar initiatives. This will scale the impact on Sustainable Development Goals related to environment and social conditions.”
Click here for the full press release of the Apparel Impact Institute