Dutch supermarkets commit to living wage in the banana sector
The goal of supermarkets is, by 2025, to predominantly sell bananas that are sourced from plantations that pay a living wage to their workers. The retailers can use the Salary Matrix, made available by IDH, to calculate the difference between the current wages and the living wage. By using the tool, they can analyze current wages in the supplying locations of their total banana assortment. This will serve as the baseline from which future wages will be compared. From 2021 onwards, they will gradually bridge the living wage gap by at least 10% each year.
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Bananas are the most commonly sold fruit in supermarkets all over the world. These bananas are being produced in countries such as Costa Rica, Ecuador and Colombia. In top-exporting countries where estimates of prevailing wages are available, banana plantation workers tend not to earn the wages needed to meet their basic needs. A living wage ensures that, in a particular time and place, the remuneration received by a worker is sufficient to afford a decent standard of living for the worker and their family. Elements of a decent standard of living include food, water, housing, education, healthcare, transport, and other essential needs (including provision for unexpected events). As such, closing the gap between the current wage and the living wage improves a workers’ standard of living.
Looking beyond borders
Cooperation is essential to implement the agreements made. In top exporting regions and consuming countries worldwide, living wage initiatives have not yet kicked off. Buyers do not always know where their bananas come from, what workers currently earn, how far those wages are from a living wage and how to best close the living wage gap. Making the supply chain more cost-efficient and increasing wages is complex and often requires a complex solution. The impact of individual parties can be limited, especially when buyers have a small market share and when suppliers sell their harvest to multiple buyers. Working on living wage, workers’ needs are at the core, however for the suppliers and workers, it is also important to safeguard the long-term sustainability of the sector, its competitiveness and the jobs. This needs to be taken into account in all living wage initiatives. To ensure this it is also key that as many banana producing countries are included, so the needs of workers everywhere and the competitiveness of the sector in all producing countries are secured.IDH will continue to invite other interested private sector parties to join the Banana Retail Commitment, such as supermarkets in other countries outside the Netherlands. This will increase the positive impact on living wages.
According to the supermarkets involved, the Banana Retail Commitment is an important milestone: [quote index="2"/]
Jennifer Muller, CBL sustainability manager says: "The signing of this commitment underlines the willingness of the retailers to take responsibility for making their supply chain more sustainable. The commitment illustrates how joint ambitions within the IRBC agreement lead to concrete projects with social impact. The experiences gained with regard to transparency and risk management are included in the embedding of due diligence throughout the entire chain.”