Better Cotton GIF kicks off process to select 2020-21 Implementing Partners
The Better Cotton Growth and Innovation Fund (Better Cotton GIF or the Fund) has rolled out the Request for Proposal (RFP) for selected and endorsed Better Cotton Implementing Partners (IP) for the 2020-21 season.
Through the RFP, BCI-recommended organizations will be invited to submit their applications for supporting farmer capacity building projects in the season (2020-21).
The request for proposals has been released in India, China, Pakistan, Mozambique, Mali and Turkey. The Fund publishes global objectives as well as country-specific requirements, program statements, eligibility criteria and preferred assessment criteria that guide the organizations in their applications for the funding. The IPs will submit their applications through an online tool.
The final decision on the portfolio for the season will be taken in January 2020 by the GIF’s Field Innovation and Impact Committee (FIIC), where a unanimous decision is reached by the FIIC which is constituted of brands, BCI, funders and civil society organizations.
The IPs play an important role in achieving BCI’s 2020 target, of training 5 million farmers and 30% of global cotton production.