Beyond Chocolate launches call for proposals

Holistic Living Income Projects in the Belgian Cocoa Sector
Beyond Chocolate is excited to announce the launch of a call for proposals for ambitious living income projects in cocoa. Thanks to the support of the Belgian Ministry for Development Cooperation, 1.5 million euros is now available for the co-financing of value chain projects that improve, innovate, scale and accelerate progress towards closing the living income gaps in supply chains linked to the Belgian chocolate sector.
What are we looking for?
- Holistic living income approaches including interventions on price, productivity, cost of production and diversified incomes.
- Projects led by Beyond Chocolate signatories with a clear link to the Belgian market.
- Ambitious projects that go further than what is already done in existing sustainability programs.
How do you participate? We ask you to first carefully read the selection criteria in the prospectus. As Beyond Chocolate partner, you can then at any point submit your concept notes to the secretariat. These notes will be reviewed by an independent Project Review Committee within a month after submission. The call for proposals will stay open until October 1st 2024 or until all funding has been disbursed (first come, first served principle).
For more information on the requirements and the reviewing process, please check our prospectus and attachments below.
Prospectus & Annexes
Prospectus 2024 Call for Proposals
Annex 1: Concept note template
Annex 1a:IDH Roadmap on Living Incomes
Annex 1b:IDH Gender concepts and criteria
Annex 2:IDH guidelines for planning and reporting for implementing partners
Annex 3:IDH guidelines for auditors
Annex 4: IDH Template funding agreement
Annex 4b:List of costs not eligible for co-funding
Annex 5: IDH general terms and conditions for funding agreements