Carrefour Brazil Group and IDH Brazil achieve the “impossible”: 100% traceable beef
As illegal deforestation has been linked to untraceable cattle farmers, this breakthrough could change the game for forest protection in Brazil
The Carrefour Group Brazil, the Carrefour Foundation and IDH - The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) announced today that the first batch of 100% deforestation-free beef traced from birth to shelf is now available in Brazil at an affordable price. Consumers will be able to access information through a QR Code stamped on the product's label.
Cattle from indirect suppliers are traceable
The announcement is groundbreaking for the Brazilian beef industry, because the supply chain is so complex. When slaughterhouses buy mature cows as part of the traditional supply chain, their origins are no longer traceable. The increased traceability makes it possible to conform to and exceed the requirements of the national Forest Code.
With the Sustainable Production of Calves program, each calf is ear-tagged, and a sophisticated record is kept on each animal in a system, including information on the parents, date and place of birth, as well as all the transfers between farms during the animal’s life.
By the end of the project, 450 farmers will be supported, it will involve over 135,000 cattle and protect or restore over 160,000 ha. of land, in two different regions of Mato Grosso state.
Beef sourced with environmental commitments beyond the Forest Code
Part of the program is developed in Mato Grosso’s Juruena Valley in the Amazon biome, where around 35% of the state's calves are produced, and which supplies a large part of the beef chain.
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Looking ahead to inspire change in Brazil’s entire livestock chain
The Carrefour Group Brazil and IDH are already preparing the next stage of the Program, which will be the launch of a national protocol, third-party audit, with procedures and processes focused on the guarantee of social and environmental origin from the birth of the calf.
The Calves program supports the government of Mato Grosso’s ambitious green growth strategy, Produce, Conserve and Include (PCI). This strategy was announced at the UN Paris Climate Conference in 2015, to increase agricultural production and efficiency; conserve remaining natural vegetation; and improve the inclusion of smallholder farmers and local communities by 2030.
The news has already been reported in Valor Econômico, Brazil's largest financial newspaper.