Which companies procure the most Better Cotton?
Which retailers and brands lead the Better Cotton league? The Top 10 (volume) Better Cotton sourcing businesses include many high-street favorites from around the world. In descending order of magnitude, the leading BCI Retail and Brand Members sourcing Better Cotton globally are...
- H&M
- Adidas
- Nike, Inc
- Levi Strauss & Co
- C&A
- Marks and Spencer
- VF Corp
- Tommy Hilfiger
But it’s not all about the big players – we’re delighted to also see such great progress amongst smaller-sized members. The Top 10 on ‘Better Cotton as % of total cotton consumption’, includes some smaller BCI Retail and Brand Members, presented here in descending order:
- Stadium
- Adidas
- BabyBjorn
- Marks and Spencer
- Nike, Inc.
- Marimekko
- Hemtex
- Kathmandu and JACK & JONES, BESTSELLER
As highlighted in the BCI Annual Report, globally, Better Cotton was produced in 21 countries over 5 continents, reached 1.6 million farmers, was grown on 3.4 million hectares, producing 2.6 million metric tons of Better Cotton lint. BCI Retail and Brand Members are setting their sights on doubling their 2016 performance this year to 1,000,000 metric tons sourced as Better Cotton lint.