ENAWO Recovery Agricultural Program supporting vanilla communities

The Sustainable Vanilla Initiative has developed a program with CARE to support vanilla communities in Madagascar in their recovery from Tropical Cyclone ENAWO.

‘Agriculture Recovery to North Eastern Madagascar in Response to Tropical Cyclone ENAWO’ is a one year program that focuses on helping households impacted by the Cyclone in the Antalaha area on agricultural recovery with home food production and local market crops.

The contributions are to be bundled through the Sustainable Vanilla Initiative (SVI). The Sustainable Food Lab, who host the SVI in collaboration with IDH has offered to financially manage the contributions for SVI as a straight pass through to CARE.

Agriculture Recovery Program

The program is scalable based on budget, but the proposal maps out an approach that would reach 5000 households (25,000 people) with short cycle food and cash crop seeds, agricultural extension and tools, and support to replant vanilla (for about 35% of the households).

To ensure that the support appropriately reaches vulnerable households, CARE sets up the following approach:

  • A targeting committee is set up in each community of CARE’s response
  • Households are selected for support that are:
  • Vulnerable households whose crops were totally or largely destroyed and cannot afford to replenish stock of seeds
  • Vulnerable households that have lost all or part of their ag tools and cannot afford to replaced them
  • Women head of households with dependent children will be prioritized for support
  • List of selected beneficiaries will be verified by CARE staff, validated at a community meeting, and posted in the Fokotany office

How to contribute?

You can make contributions through the Sustainable Food Lab. Please complete the form underneath and you will receive the donation paths via email.

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Contributions can be also made directly to CARE as long as they are tagged to the project: ‘Cyclone Response – Agricultural Recovery (SVI)’.