Experts collect data to support land regularization of the Vale do Amanhecer settlement, in Juruena
During the month of September, IDH held meetings with 138 farmers from the APROVAN, APARVAN, and APRULOT associations, from the Vale do Amanhecer settlement, established in 1989, in the municipality of Juruena. The purpose of the meetings was to inform about the dynamics of georeferencing activities in support of land regularization. This work will directly benefit 250 families that occupy an area of approximately 14,000 hectares in the north-western region of Mato Grosso.
The team from the Juruena town council and the coordinator of the Municipal Land Regularization Centre, Gláucio André Luiz do Carmo Pinto, attended the meetings. He points out that this regularization work is an unattended demand the town has had for many years and now it is progressing, thanks to the partnership of IDH. “This partnership is extremely important for us, because IDH is bearing all georeferencing costs, which is the most expensive stage of the land regularization process. Without this partnership, we wouldn't be able to do this now, as the council has no resources available," he pointed out.
The IDH Public Policy Implementation Manager, Alex Schmidt reported that, right after that, the team responsible for the technical work recorded the points and coordinates of the plot divisions and the total perimeter of the settlement, which totaled 580 landmarks installed.
A questionnaire is also being applied as part of this work, and it will be used as part of a previous socio-economic diagnosis. Schmidt explains that this step is crucial for a first analysis of the socio-productive activities and can help the municipality in the decision-making process.
In addition, together with Sema-MT, IDH prepared and validated the mapping of the municipality with all the information required for the Rural Environmental Registry, which also enables the environmental regularization of all the rural properties in Juruena, including each lot of the Vale do Amanhecer settlement.
All this set of data and information will be delivered to the Centre by December, so that the Juruena City Hall can advance with the land and environmental regularization process.
This will bring benefits for all those involved in the process, by ensuring legal security and promoting better living conditions, with social and economic development," noted Carmo Pinto.
Support to commercialization
Products from APARVAM, one of the settlement's associations, reached the markets in Juruena in September for the first time. This achievement is the result of the articulation of many partners under the Juruena Valley Compact, such as the Municipal Agriculture Secretariat and inspection teams, Empaer, Senar, Sicredi, and the company Natcap, which operates in the implementation of the Compact with support from IDH.
Natcap's local expert, Rodinei Martins, reported that several activities have been carried out, such as, for instance, support for the regularization of the use of water resources and the environmental licensing of the dairy business Delícias do Vale do Amanhecer, in addition to training for the production of milk derivatives, carried out by Senar.
"It is very rewarding to see the results happening little by little and know that we were part of this entire process," says Martins.
"With this work, IDH also supports several goals foreseen in the Vale do Juruena PCI Compact, which go beyond the regularization, and create opportunities for the development of productive chains of family farming, and enable the inclusion in programs and projects, thereby enabling access to credit," added Schmidt.