Fernando Sampaio, executive director of the PCI Institute, has made an assessment of the year 2020 and commented on the prospects for 2021

Fernando Sampaio talked about the participatory evaluation process of the goals, the PCI Institute Work Plan and the challenges and opportunities for the new year. Check it out!

IDH: The PCI Strategy completed five years since it was established and has undergone a goal assessment process.

 - How was this process conducted?

FS: The assessment was established in the PCI Institute's Action Plan 2020, at the request of the state government itself. Some of the goals need to be updated and it is necessary to revisit them in order to understand the advances and challenges of the Strategy. For that purpose, with the support of the ICV (Instituto Centro de Vida), we have commissioned a facilitation process. With the additional challenge of the pandemic, the process was carried out in phases and online. All members of the former PCI Strategy State Committee were invited to participate, first in an alignment webinar, then through online assessment forms, and finally in thematic workshops for each of the PCI axes, in addition to an extra workshop on the management of the Strategy.

- What was the result?

The result is a great proposal that includes the suggestion of new goals, in some cases, new indicators or improvements and updates to the current indicators, in addition to a range of priority actions that will govern the work of the PCI. We will still have a further phase of this process, in which each suggestion of the participatory process will be technically analyzed, to determine what can be incorporated and, finally, what can be renegotiated with the state government.

- How will this reflect on the actions starting in 2021?

In 2021, we will have a renegotiated PCI Strategy with a 2020-2030 vision, with priorities set and strengthened governance. This should govern the public policies and actions of the PCI Institute itself, which will also update its action plan for 2021.

IDH: What is the role of the players and the challenges in this process of implementing the PCI Strategy?

FS: The renegotiated goals and the defined priorities represent a common guideline for every public or private entities that can contribute to the sustainable development of Mato Grosso. Each of them has the role of leading their projects and actions so that they can contribute to the implementation of these state goals, which in the end will benefit everyone. The goals also guide the fundraising and investment work that are part of the Institute's scope.

IDH: Data on deforestation in the states of the Legal Amazon has been recently published. How do you evaluate the performance of Mato Grosso, considering the PCI as a territorial management and promotion instrument?

FS: It is evident that there is still an immense challenge in controlling illegal deforestation in the state. Even though the goal has not been achieved, it is remarkable that Mato Grosso has avoided a surge in deforestation, as has occurred in other regions under current economic and social political circumstances. And it is possible to draw a logical line that ranges from the Mato Grosso commitment to end illegal deforestation to this result and the benefits arising from this journey. The goals of the PCI Strategy announced in 2015 by Mato Grosso have given direction to the current phase of the PPCDIF, the Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation and Forest Fires in the State. The State's commitment has drawn in partners such as KfW, and reduced emissions from deforestation has made it possible to raise funds from the REM Program. In addition to benefiting populations that help preserve the forest, REM's resources have boosted the state's surveillance capacity with investment in technology such as early warning systems. Other PCI partners, such as IDH, have invested in expanding the capacity of the State Secretariat for the Environment (Sema-MT) to analyze Rural Environmental Registries (CAR). Crossing deforestation and CAR data allows offenders to be held responsible. PCI, PPCDIF and CAR were the three actions implemented by the State that have made up the environmental pillar of a fundraising project with the World Bank, which enabled Mato Grosso to relieve its fiscal situation. As a result, this year, the State was able to launch the largest investment program in its history. And it is worth noting that political leadership was key to all these achievements. Governor Mauro Mendes put the fight against deforestation as a priority on his agenda and took it upon himself to preside over the Committee that coordinates the actions of command and control of the State. Sema-MT has also been instrumental in implementing a successful strategy, which is being complemented with other investments in the field of appreciation of sustainable production in Mato Grosso.