Instituto PCI puts priority actions into practice in the search for new investments for Mato Grosso
The founding organizations of the PCI Institute held, in March, the first meeting of the Council of Founders in 2020, in which the decisions and measures proposed by the Monitoring and Investment Committees were validated, so as to put the 2020 Action Plan into practice.
This Plan is based on core pillars, such as the structuring of the Institute, the definition of priority actions for attracting investments, the monitoring of objectives and goals established, the regionalization of the actions based on a territorial vision, and communication actions to ensure visibility and credibility.
“We are proceeding with the development of the Action Plan approved in 2019, to expand funding and investments that promote the sustainable development of the territory of Mato Grosso”, reinforced Fernando Sampaio, executive director of the PCI Institute.
One of the actions approved during the founders' meeting was the hiring of a consulting firm to assess priority investment opportunities to meet the goals under the PCI Strategy. The consultancy services should provide identification of the main investment needs of the PCI Strategy, create and develop investment models, financial arrangements, and mapping of potential public and private funders, links in the production chains, by taking into account the flow of available capital. The hiring of the consulting firm will be co-financed with resources from the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) initiative and the Mato Grosso REM Program.
“The more and the better the information about investment opportunities and demands a jurisdiction can put together and communicate, the more chances it will engage with the global private and financial sector. We need to move from theory onto the practice and implement more effective public-private arrangements to boost the agenda of sustainable production chains. The state of Mato Grosso, through the PCI Institute, is ready to lead this progress”, comments Fabíola Zerbini, TFA's regional director for Latin America.
Since 2016, IDH has maintained a formal partnership to support the State of Mato Grosso, under an integrated vision of territorial governance, in which it invested more than EUR 9 million until 2020, which provided direct support to the State, the PCI Strategy, the Regional PCI Compacts and co-financing projects with the private sector.
“Efforts have already been made to calculate the investments need to achieve the Strategy's goals. After hiring a consulting firm, we have sought to bring a market vision to identify and prepare the main investment opportunities to attract the interest of public and private investors, as well as partner companies, to connect with the PCI Strategy, which will result in investments for Mato Grosso”, added Marcela Paranhos, investment manager of IDH for Brazil and coordinator of the PCI Institute Investment Committee.
During the meeting of the PCI institute’s Council of Founders, the attendants also analyzed the proposal submitted by the Monitoring Committee, which foresees actions to be developed in phases: updating the balance of goals; developing a methodology to update the targets in 2020; reviewing the Strategic Planning in order to identify actions already delivered, actions still in progress and actions that must still take place, while defining key points for action; creating a territorial intelligence centre under the PCI Institute, to subsidize investments and public policies in the territory.
The objective is to broadly analyze how the planned goals are being delivered, including the contributions from municipal initiatives, identify those that still need greater effort to be achieved and, also, establish more comprehensive comparison parameters, which encompasses more than the state of Mato Grosso, such as national, international and private sector goals.