PCI Institute holds 1st Investment Committee Workshop
The PCI Institute (Produce, Conserve and Include), held on February 5, the 1st Investment Committee Workshop, which aimed to discuss, plan and direct the activities required for the implementation of the 2020 Action Plan approved by the Institute’s Council of Founders in December 2019.
PCI Executive Director, Fernando Sampaio, presented the analyses carried out in the past on the costs of implementing the goals of the PCI strategy and the Action Plan of the Investment Committee approved by the Institute's Council of Founders. He also explained the sources of the funds available to support the implementation of the actions provided for in this plan and the hiring process to access these resources. “The idea is, with the support of specialists, to develop investment models capable of addressing the PCI goals and delivering the desired impacts by 2030”, Sampaio explained.
Then, Investment Manager at IDH, Marcela Paranhos, explained the proposed work dynamics to arrive at a matrix of responsibilities, deadlines and activities for the year 2020. The 24 participants, from the public, private and civil society sectors, have built the matrix of priority activities for each of the axes foreseen in the Plan: (A) Creating pipeline and investment models; (B) Attracting public and private investors; (C) Identifying priority companies that can support the achievement of goals; (D) Assessing of investments associated with PCI. “As a result of this work we expected to establish a positive agenda to attract concrete partnerships and new investments to the state of Mato Grosso that contribute to the state's PCI goals", said Marcela Paranhos.
A crucial point highlighted by the workshop participants was the need to align the investments to be gathered with the programs, projects and public policies which are already underway in the state of Mato Grosso so that they can positively impact the defined goals.
As an example of actions in the public area, there are resources from the REM Program and the Terra a Limpo Program and the CAR-KfW project that are directly allocated to sustainable development agendas in Mato Grosso. On the other hand, there are other investments that were assigned to the State, which consider the PCI as an environmental safeguard, such as the USD 250 million loan granted by the World Bank in 2019.
The 1st Investment Committee Workshop, in Cuiabá, was attended by members of the following entities and organizations: IDH, Ipam, ONF Brazil, TNC, WRI Brazil, Chief of Staff Office, Amaggi, Sedec-MT, PCI, ICV, EDF, EII, RTRS, Pecsa.