PCI Institute supports creation of Regional Compact in Tangará da Serra
At the end of May, nineteen institutions officially formed a Steering Committee that will plan actions for the implementation of Tangará da Serra PCI Regional Compact. The group is formed by Ipac, the Rural Union, Unemat, Sema-MT, Rotary Cidade Alta, LPCD, Sindalcool, Empaer, Agronomists Association, Semmea, Seapa, IPAM, City Hall, Anhanguera (Unic), São Marcelo Farm, Agropecuária Jacarezinho/MFG, SLC Agrícola, Marfrig, Indea and the PCI Institute.
Fernando Sampaio, Executive Director of the PCI Institute, has been supporting this entire process, which started about a year ago, by describing in detail the composition of the PCI State Strategy goals, and explaining the steps towards the implementation of a Regional Compact. One of the points highlighted by Sampaio is how the Compact facilitates territorial governance, especially when it comes to sharing agendas and deciding on investments in a more assertive manner.
“The idea of creating the Tangará da Serra Regional PCI is based on the same logic as the approach of the State PCI: to bring the players operating in the region together to understand the territory, define a vision of the future that brings together production, conservation and inclusion, plan the actions needed for this transition and help bring the projects, partnerships and investments that will support this path," he said.
Tangará da Serra is a municipality formed by indigenous lands, settlements, with economic activities linked to agribusiness, such as livestock, agriculture, and agribusiness. It also plays an important role in conserving natural resources. Besides the indigenous reserves occupying more than half of the territory, Tangará da Serra is located between the Tapirapuã and Parecis ranges, which delimit two important ecosystems in Brazilian territory: the Pantanal and the Chapadão do Parecis, a watershed between the Amazon and Paraguay-Paraná basins.
According to Jair Kotz, appointed executive secretary of the Committee, the next steps to be taken will include inviting new members to join and forming thematic groups to define the goals of the Tangará da Serra PCI.
The work is inspired by the models of the Juruena Valley, Sorriso and Barra do Garças PCI Regional Compacts, which have already been developing this strategy for sustainable, shared, and long-term landscape development since September 2017 when the first compact framework began to be drafted.