PCI Strategy members will assess compliance with targets launched in 2015

At the end of August, the PCI Institute started a process of participatory evaluation of the PCI Strategy (Produce, Preserve and Include) objective of which is to verify at what stage the achievement of the goals established in 2015 for each of the axes is, the year in which the proposal was launched at the Climate Conference (COP21), held in Paris.

To this end, they hired a specialised consulting firm to assist in conducting the process involving all members who participated in the conception, development and implementation of the PCI Strategy in Mato Grosso.

The first step of this project was a webinar held on the 27th of August, in which they presented the methodological proposal of this evaluation process.

The next phase consists of an online survey to be carried out extensively with the participating institutions and partners, through a specific form for each axis of the strategy and its themed agendas, which will be available until the 14th of September. Those involved in the process can either answer all the items in the survey form or only those related to their area of expertise (Production, Conservation, or Inclusion).

The third stage of this participatory evaluation process will consist of remote workshops for each axis of the strategy, with up to 25 participants, scheduled to take place between September and November 2020. The results collected from the online survey will be used as the basis for discussions in these workshops.

"It is now time to review the progress and challenges of fulfilling what was initially established, and to assess what the priorities for the coming years should be. As a result, we will also put together proposals for what needs to be readjusted in relation to goals and indexes, always maintaining PCI's ambition for Mato Grosso, which is sustainable development based on the efficient use of land," explained the executive director of the PCI Institute, Fernando Sampaio.

The PCI Strategy is a jurisdictional approach for sustainable development in the state of Mato Grosso, which brings together public and private sectors and civil society around long-term, voluntarily agreed upon goals within the Produce, Preserve and Include axes. General objectives include: Increasing agricultural and livestock production by improving livestock productivity and expanding grain areas over existing open areas; Eliminating illegal deforestation and implementing the Forest Code; Creating financial compensation mechanisms for legal deforestation; Supporting family farming and traditional and indigenous populations in their access to credit, technical assistance, land and environmental regularization.

For more information on the PCI Strategy please click here.

IDH is investing 9 million euros from 2016 to 2021 in Mato Grosso, covering the PCI Strategy, the PCI Institute, support for the implementation of state public policies, PCI Regional Compacts and field programs cofinanced with the private sector.