Responsible Sourcing and Ethical Trade Forum

In-person event, London (UK)

 4 & 5 April 2022

During the Responsible Sourcing and Ethical Trade Forum organized by the Innovation Forum, IDH will talk on a first day about the topic of living wage and living income. 

When: 4 April, 16.30-17.30: How multi-stakeholder partnerships can break down the barriers to deliver living wages/income at scale

Panel: Julie Vallat (L'Oréal), Darrell High (Nestlé), Marcel Jacobs (Philip Morris International) and Jordy van Honk (IDH)

Closing the living wage/income gap remains a huge challenge across industries and geographies. Despite the numerous living wage commitments by companies and cross-sector initiatives, the obstacles to deliver at scale remain significant. With challenges ranging from differences in calculations to political and economic structural barriers, it is evident that multi-stakeholder action is necessary to achieve tangible and long-term results.

Full registration details can be found here

About Responsible Sourcing and Ethical Trade Forum

This two-day business forum will assess how companies can develop and implement robust human rights and responsible sourcing policies. We’ll look in-depth into the practicalities of supply chain transformation and what this means for the future of (ethical) trade.