Strategy and PCI Institute of Mato Grosso expand connection with partners and supporters through a new website

Want to learn more about the Strategy and the PCI Institute of Mato Grosso? Now it has become much easier and practical to gain access to a range of data and information gathered in a single online platform, at:

The website's structure was conceived so that visitors can learn about the trajectory from the launch of the Strategy in 2015, through the creation of the Institute, to the most current information. The central topics such as investments, monitoring of goals, regionalization, and communication are presented under the perspective of objectives, actions developed, and partners that contribute. What is more, several documents and a calendar of events are also available.

Anyone willing to deepen their understanding on the subject can access the platform for monitoring the goals or the content on the PCI Regional Compacts to learn more about the municipalities where they are implemented, the commitments made, and the signatory partners.

The website also has a space for news that provides information on the various partners involved in the implementation of the PCI goals.

According to the executive director of the PCI Institute, Fernando Sampaio, the purpose is to present everything that is being done for Mato Grosso to achieve social and economic development through sustainable land use and to connect partners, investors, and financiers that support this vision. "To ensure greater international reach and incidence, soon, we will also make available an English version," added Sampaio.

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