Sustainable Calf Production Program holds field day in Juruena Valley

In October, the Sustainable Calf Production program organized Field Days in the Juruena Valley. The purpose was to present the initiative to potential new participants and to disseminate knowledge among the participating farmers. To this end, the events included testimonials from those farmers who already receive technical assistance, as well as institutional presentations on the initiative and the partners in the field and also on the traceability pillar.

“With an informal approach, we could ask questions and share the gains that the farmers who are already participating in the program have,” says Mathias Almeida, CEO of Natcap - IDH's implementing partner. The purpose of the events was also to reinforce the pillars that underlie the program: improved management on each property, environmental and land regularization, and connection to the market - which ensure the traceability of calves from their origin.

About 50 people attended both events in Cotriguaçu and in the district of Nova União. The aim of the program continues to be getting more memberships, so more similar meetings will be held. In addition, the participating ranchers will soon start applying ear tags to their calves so that each animal can have its origin traced. “As a result, the meat will reach the final consumer with clear information on social and environmental traceability,” Mathias emphasized.

The Sustainable Calf Production Program was implemented in February 2019 and aims to benefit 457 properties in the Mato Grosso regions of the Juruena Valley and Araguaia Valley by 2021. The initiative brings together IDH, Carrefour Foundation, Carrefour Brazil, Acrimat and Natcap. Until October 2019, 198 farmers in both regions joined the program to receive productive, environmental and land technical assistance.