Common Training Manual: Addressing Gender Based Violence in the Kenyan Tea Industry

IDH presents its common training manual on addressing gender based violence in the Kenyan tea industry. The manual has been commissioned by IDH with the objective to align training and awareness raising material around gender based violence issues for the Kenyan tea industry. It supports the effort to significantly reduce the occurrence of gender based violence (GBV) in the Kenyan tea industry by 2020.

The training manual aims to support trainers in their capacity building efforts to equip the key target groups in Kenyan tea companies on the issue of GBV with information, knowledge and skills to effectively prevent, control and manage GBV related issues in their organizations and society as whole.

The manual is designed to be flexible and adaptable for use in different situations, depending on factors such as the trainers’ own skills and experience, time available, the participants, as well as financial resources. This manual should not be seen as the blueprint or the answer to all the questions related to addressing gender based violence issues out there.