&Green invests in Indonesian palm oil company PT Hilton Duta Lestari for the establishment of a traceable, inclusive and deforestation-free palm oil supply chain
Jakarta / The Hague, 17 May 2022. Stichting andgreen.fund (“&Green”) has invested USD 12 million as an 8-year loan facility in PT Hilton Duta Lestari (“HDL") to construct a Crude Palm Oil mill and to create an inclusive palm oil supply base in West Kalimantan, Indonesia that ensures No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation (NDPE). &Green, a blended finance vehicle established to de-link deforestation from tropical agricultural commodity production, will work with HDL to reduce deforestation across four districts and improve incomes for up to 85,000 inhabitants, mainly indigenous (Dayak) communities. By empowering smallholders throughout a 30km radius around its estates, HDL will be able to source only from no-deforestation oil palm fruit (FFB) suppliers, which will therefore support forest protection in a landscape that is experiencing accelerating rates of clearing.
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