Mozambique Climate Resilience Program - Annual Report 2020

The Mozambique Climate Resilience Program implements a cluster-based, rural economic-development program where we leverage funding from public donors, the Dutch Embassy in Mozambique, and IDH to match private-sector investments that de-risk smallholder-farmer livelihoods from the impact of climate change and climate variability by promoting scalable and cost efficient rainwater harvesting and soil management solutions to increase productivity and yield, to strengthen water and food security, and to catalyze income diversification with additional livelihood opportunities including crop diversification and animal husbandry.

In the third year of the Program, IDH and its partners focused its community engagement on local capacity-building activities to ensure farmers and community beneficiaries can maintain the water catchment areas, second cropping activities, and animal husbandry for long-term sustainability post-pilot.

Read the 2020 Annual Report to know more about the Program activities and results.