Navigating systemic market transformation: Mid-term Review of IDH 2021 – 2025

This report presents the high-level findings of the mid-term review (MTR) of the IDH corporate portfolio in its 2021-2025 funding period, performed by KIT Institute and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS).

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IDH was founded in 2008 as a public-private partnership to drive sustainability in international trade. IDH’s strategy was based on influencing major companies that dominate the trade of key commodities. Rather than executing support programmes for large numbers of smallholder farmers all over the world, IDH focused on leveraging change in a few selected commodities by following, supporting, and accelerating the sustainability efforts of frontrunner companies.

For the 2021-2025 funding period, the mission of IDH is to drive systemic market-transformation towards better jobs, better income and better environment for both men and women.

Read the summary report:

Navigating Systemic Market Transformation:  Mid-term Review of IDH 2021 – 2025