Press Release: Cameroonian cocoa stakeholders sign a Roadmap towards sustainable and deforestation-free cocoa
- Conservation of National Parks and forested land, as well as restoration of forests that have been degraded by human activities, in particular encroachment by cocoa farms among other factors.
- Sustainable intensification and diversification of income in order to increase farmers’ yields and livelihood, to grow “more cocoa on less land” and thereby reduce pressure on forests.
- Engagement and empowerment of cocoa-growing communities.
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- Signatories pledge to promote a sustainable cocoa sector, thereby protecting the third largest forest range in the Congo Basin and improving the livelihoods of up to 600,000 cocoa farmers in Cameroon.
- The Roadmap comprises nine commitments, including promoting forest conservation and restoration, enhancing cocoa productivity in the long term, and implementing cocoa full traceability from farm gate to export port.
- The implementation of the Roadmap commitments will be based on three main pillars: forest protection and restoration, sustainable production and marketing of deforestation-free cocoa, community engagement and social inclusion.