Unilever joins IDH coalition in backing Aceh Tamiang district (Indonesia) in its bid to become a sustainability leader

Unilever and IDH have committed a combined investment of over 1.5 million euros to support the district of Aceh Tamiang in its goal to become one of the greenest commodity-producing regions in Indonesia. Last year, stakeholders from Aceh Tamiang established a production, protection and inclusion (PPI) compact. The compact’s three-year program will increase forest protection and reforestation, improve monitoring, support smallholder farmers to increase its sustainable palm oil productivity by 30 percent, and finally to protect an area within the Leuser Ecosystem.

“Unilever’s commitment will bring us one step closer to our green vision for Aceh Tamiang. We are committed to protecting the forest, increasing the productivity and yield of sustainable palm oil and improving smallholders’ livelihoods. The support from Unilever, as well as from PepsiCo and Musim Mas, shows that this is not only important for our district, but also to the international community,” said Head of Aceh Tamiang District, H. Mursil.

Together with a coalition of stakeholders from Aceh Tamiang, Unilever will assist in improving sustainable production for 13,000 hectares of agricultural land, conserve 100,000 ha of high conservation value (HCV) / high carbon stock (HCS) forest and enhance the livelihoods of 1,500 independent smallholder farmers and 100 community members, based on the SourceUp approach for sustainable sourcing. This will help palm oil companies to supply buyers cost-effectively with 100% responsible palm oil.

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