Forging alliances to transform Colombian landscapes and food systems
Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world and has a huge potential to become a leading example in the field of sustainable sourcing. Through collaboration between the public and private sectors, as well as civil society, our Colombia office aims to increase agricultural production while protecting the country’s natural resources.
Since 2019, we have supported the development of a sustainable landscapes strategy for Colombia, convening national authorities and local stakeholders under the Initiative “Agrocolombia Productiva y Sostenible”.
Next to landscape level action, we are also working in various value chains. Colombia being one of the leading coffee producers in the world, we have a dedicated coffee program which aims building a dynamic and resilient coffee sector beyond legal compliance with a focus on farmers’ incomes. We are also committed to enhance the sustainability of the country’s Palm oil sector through our NISCOPS 2 program. Implemented by IDH and Solidaridad Network, the program supports 3,500 small-scale producers in adopting sustainable practices and developing traceability. Lastly, through the reVive program, we provide specialized pre-investment technical assistance to connect businesses in the sustainable-land sector with investment.

We have a strong track record in forging strategic alliances to implement holistic and impactful approaches. With our diverse set of skills, we are supporting a new vision for long-term and sustainably sourced agri-commodities in Colombia.
Our Country Team Director

Carolina Tenorio
Country Director
How to reach us - Colombia office
More information? Reach out to our Colombia office by mail.

reVive: An Investment Development Hub Colombia