ISLA Coalition in Ethiopia sets priorities for joint action
ISLA Ethiopia coalition of public, private and civil society stakeholders gathered in Ziway town on the 1st of Oct 2015 to validate short listed joint actions for implementation in the coming year.
ISLA Ethiopia coalition of public, private and civil society stakeholders gathered in Ziway town on the 1st of Oct 2015 to validate short listed joint actions for implementation in the coming year.
With IDH as the convener, participants included representatives from Sher Ethiopia PLC, Castel Winery PLC, Verde Beef processing PLC, Al Foz PLC – major private sector stakeholders; Meki Batu Farmers’ Cooperatives Union representing more than 7000 farmers in the landscape; the Horn of Africa Regional Environment Center & Network representing civil societies; knowledge partners from Acacia water and Meta Meta consultancy. The Rift Valley Lakes Basin Authority is the main public stakeholder in the ISLA coalition, however was not present at the meeting due to urgent commitments.
Results of a baseline study in the ISLA landscape, carried out by Meta Meta and Acacia Water consultancies, were presented, which laid the foundation for setting priority joint actions. The joint actions are to be undertaken by the ISLA coalition alongside key implementing partners in the landscape and with co-funding from IDH in order to safeguard the landscape while securing production. The prioritized joint actions will include revegetation in parts of the landscape, physical soil and water conservation activities and capacity building projects for smallholder farmers towards good agricultural practices (mainly promoting proper pesticide use or offering alternatives means of plant protection, efficient irrigation water use, organic fertilizer/compost use, etc).
Feasibility studies and proposals for the joint actions are currently underway and pilot activities on the ground are expected to start early 2016.