Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA) Kenya program: Mid-Term Impact Research

IDH, through the Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA) Kenya program, is committed to restoring and conserving 60,000 hectares of the Southwestern Mau Forest block by 2025.
This vital project focuses on the largest block of the Mau Forest complex, a crucial watershed for the Sondu-Miriu River Basin. Alongside environmental restoration, the program is dedicated to improving the livelihoods of local communities, creating a sustainable future for both people and nature.
The Mau Forest, the heart of Kenya’s ecosystem, faces serious threats from encroachment, overgrazing, unsustainable wood extraction, fires, and poaching. Recognizing the urgency, IDH launched an integrated action approach in 2015 to address these challenges.
This report details a mid-term impact assessment on activities conducted between 2021 - 2023 focusing on (i) Field level impact of the livestock intensification intervention and (ii) Forest protection and regeneration.

Key Findings
Key findings from the report include:
- Better income for smallholders: The efforts led to enhanced income diversification among farmers and increased income from livestock production due to improved livestock production practices. The amount of milk produced and sold by the farmers increased significantly by 44% between baseline in 2020 and 2024.
- Less grazing: The beneficiary farmers practiced less livestock population grazing in the forest. In the studied period, livestock grazing reduced by 1800 heads of cattle.
- Gender Inclusion: There was an increased participation of women in decision-making across all stages of livestock production, marketing, and forest governance.
- Reduced forest degradation and increased net forest regeneration: Net forest regeneration increased by 49% in the ISLA focal landscape and forest degradation rate reduced by 48%. The net contribution of the ISLA program to improved regeneration and reduced degradation was estimated at 73% and 51% respectively.
- Carbon emissions reduction: A 59% reduction in carbon emissions was achieved in focal landscapes with the ISLA program accounting for 27% of the net emissions reduction.
The report shows how the ISLA program has had a significant impact on forest dynamics, particularly in promoting regeneration in open forest areas and reducing rates of degradation and deforestation. The program used a holistic approach to sustainable development that balances economic growth with environmental stewardship and social inclusivity.
- Watch the below video on how IDH works with partners to protect the MAU forest.
- Access the Impact Report here
IDH Collaborates with Partners to Protect the Mau Forest in Kenya