Terms of Reference : Execution of the PPI Technical Secretariat and transition of PPI Compacts in Cesar and Magdalena

IDH aims to select a service provider to provide the Technical Secretariat of the Production, Protection and Inclusion (PPI) Cesar and Magdalena Compacts during 2025 and strengthen a local entity to effectively transition the PPI Compact by leaving installed capacity in the local entity, in order to ensure continuity of the Compact’s results and to appropriate the (relevant) goals of the Pact in its strategic planning.
IDH's Landscape approach aims to make agricultural production sustainable across entire landscapes or regions. It has been built around coalitions of key landscape stakeholders, including governments, businesses, farmers, communities, and civil society organizations. Our conceptual framework for our Landscapes work shows how through the coalitions of partners that we foster, we achieve changes in business practices, landscape governance, and field level sustainability to develop land use plans to address the poverty that leads to unsustainable landscape management. We aim to create areas where commercial and food crops can be grown profitably and sustainably (Production); forests and other natural resources are sustainably used and protected (Protection); and the livelihoods and rights of farmers and communities (particularly women) are enhanced (Inclusion).
Since 2020, the Landscapes Program has established a strong position in Colombia, placing itself as a catalyst for sustainable development in the regions of Huila, Cesar and Magdalena1, effectively convening and aligning all relevant stakeholders to address critical impact areas within the PPI compacts. This effort reached a significant milestone in 2021 with the formalization of multi-stakeholder coalitions (national and local public sector entities, private sector partners, think tanks, producer organizations, and associations) and the establishment of clear targets, culminating in the signing of MoU.
As part of the approach, stakeholders define sustainability targets around sustainable agricultural production, environmental protection, and local community inclusion, which are included in agreements called PPI (Production, Protection and Inclusion) Compacts.
General Objectives
Provide the Technical Secretariat of the PPI Compacts in Cesar and Magdalena during 2025 and strengthen a local entity to effectively transition the PPI Compact by leaving installed capacity in the local entity, in order to ensure continuity of the Compact's results and to appropriate the (relevant) goals of the Compact in its strategic planning.
Specific objectives are available in the Terms of Reference below.
Proposal Requirements
IDH is requesting the service providers to hand in a proposal of maximum [number] pages (excluding company biographies, CVs, sample work and references). The proposal must be handed in a MS Word or PowerPoint version next to a PDF submission to facilitate any copy-and-pasting of content that we may need during evaluation.
Deadline for Application:
The proposal must be submitted to Nohora Forero at forero@idhtrade.org before 13 January 2025 12:00 pm Colombian Time.
Details about requirements and the application process are available in the below documents.
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